Upcoming Open mics in Vallejo in 2023

Upcoming Open mics in Vallejo in 2023

Poetry by the Bay

Keith Thompson, host of a poetry by the bay
Keith Thompson, host of a poetry by the bay

Address: 51 Daniels Avenue, Vallejo, CA

Website: http://www.poetrybythebay.com

Host: Keith Thompson

  • September 27 – 7 PM
  • October 25 – 7 PM
  • November 22 – 7 PM
  • December 27 – 7 PM
  • Meets on the fourth Wednesday

Vallejo’s longest running poetry open mic!

Poetry by the Bay meets at 51 Daniels street on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. 

Open mic format. 4 minutes per poet. Multiple rounds depending on how many folks show up. 

List does not close, so you can sign up at any time during the show. However, the venue closes at 9:30 PM, so arrive early and sign up to ensure you get on stage.

Park behind the building in the chain linked fence area and use the accessible entrance in the back. 

Event is all ages, so all are welcome, but it is uncensored, so expect to hear colorful language and subject matter. 

Event is free, but donations are accepted to support the venue and PBTB’s rental of the space.

Art Beat Poetry Hour

DJ LaLa at OZCAT Radio
DJ LaLa at OZCAT Radio

Host: DJ LaLa

Address: 1026 Georgia Street, Vallejo, California

Arrive by 10:15 if you intend to read. Otherwise just tune in to KZCT 89.5 FM

  • September 28 – 10:30 AM
  • October 26 – 10:30 AM
  • November 16th – 10:30 AM (note this will be the third Thursday)
  • meets on the 4th Thursday except for November and December

Poetry Speak Easy at Chris Club


Host: Remo – https://instagram.com/remo.valentino

Address: 656 Benicia Road, Vallejo, California

Event is 21+ since the venue is a bar and serves alcohol.