Perform Your Poetry at Open Mics in Solano County in 2025

Perform Your Poetry at Open Mics in Solano County in 2025

Happy New Year! If you are looking for opportunities in the new year to perform your poetry and spoken word at open mics in Vallejo, Fairfield, or Benicia we’ve got you covered. Perform your poetry at open mics in Solano County and connect with a 

Winter Holidays & December Poetry Events

Winter Holidays & December Poetry Events

Open Mics in December Due to winter holidays in the month of December many open mics may not be holding performances. Please confirm details with individual event hosts closer to the date. Tue., Dec. 3 – First Tuesday Poets, Benicia Library, Dona Benicia Room, 6:15 cookies and 

30 Inspiring Quotes about Poets and Poetry

30 Inspiring Quotes about Poets and Poetry

Seeking answers on the role and purpose of poets and poetry in our lives? Delve into the following quotes about poets and poetry for insights.

County Fairs and upcoming May poetry events

County Fairs and upcoming May poetry events

County Fairs Special Events Open mics Benicia First Tuesday Poets meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 150 East L Street, Benicia. Come for snacks and schmoozing at 6:15. Show starts at 6:30 PM.  Poetry in Notion has been cancelled. Poetry by 

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Our Vallejo Poets Laureate Kathleen Herrmann and Jacalyn Eyvonne will be reading at the Earth Daze Festival in Vallejo on Saturday, April 27th from 12:15 to 1:00 PM. They will also be participating in the Climate Change Ekphrastic Exhibit, Temple Arts Loft, May 25, June 

Call for Ekphrastic Poetry – Edna and Turtle Dove

Call for Ekphrastic Poetry – Edna and Turtle Dove

In celebration of November’s Vallejo Art Walk and annual Vallejo Open Studios, Jean Cherie invites poets to write an ekphrastic poem to her life-size sculpture Edna & The Turtle Dove. This visual and poetic art collaboration will be held at the Temple Art Lofts Gallery in downtown Vallejo, California.  Poets are 

Deadline Extended: Become Vallejo’s next Poet Laureate!

Deadline Extended: Become Vallejo’s next Poet Laureate!

Applications are now closed. A new poet laureate will be chosen and announced in the coming weeks. Stay tuned. Thank you to all that applied. The application for Vallejo Poet Laureate was due November 15th. Follow in the footsteps of Vallejo Poet Laureate – Genea 

Poetry by the Bay Fundraiser

Poetry by the Bay Fundraiser

For over a decade Poetry by the Bay has provided The City of Vallejo with a FREE Spoken Word Open Mic show where thousands of poets have come and shared their work. We want to continue to be able to do this for the decades 

Jeremy Snyder is Vallejo’s 3rd Poet Laureate

Jeremy Snyder is Vallejo’s 3rd Poet Laureate

Congratulations to Poetry by the Bay host Jeremy Snyder for becoming Vallejo’s 3rd Poet Laureate. He was preceded in office by Genea Brice (2015-2017) and D.L. Lang (2017-2019). His work appears in Verses, Voices, and Visions of Vallejo, and he recently hosted the Vallejo Poetry 

Vallejo Poetry Slam

Vallejo Poetry Slam

Congratulations to Hakim for winning first place and Juanita J. Martin for winning second place at the Vallejo Poetry Slam held October 26, 2019 in the Joseph Room at Vallejo’s John F. Kennedy Library. Thank you to everyone who competed. Thank you to Provisions for