Books On Being a Poet

Books that are a good starting point for resources helpful to poets wishing to expand their horizons.

Glazner, Gary Mex, How to Make a Living as a Poet (2005) 978-1932360691

Sedlacek, L.B., The Poet’s Survival Guide (2009) 978-1716870736

La Ronn, Michael, Indie Poet Rock Star: The Poet’s Guide to Ebooks, Marketing and the Self-Publishing Revolution (2015) 978-1507776513

Padgett, Ron, The Teachers & Writers Handbook of Poetic Forms (2007) 978-0915924608

Gailey, Jeanine Hall, PR For Poets: A Guidebook To Publicity And Marketing (2018) 978-1948767002

Lefebvre, Mark Leslie, Wide for the Win: Strategies to Sell Globally via Multiple Platforms and Forge Your Own Path to Success (2021) 978-1989351260

If you have written a book helpful to poets and would like it listed here, please send us an email at [email protected]